Tuesday, November 06, 2007



老公时常抱怨我从不为自己的事业奋斗, 老妈也嫌我赚钱不够别人多~ 唉! 我只是想做好我能力范围里的东西啊!!!

或许我在他人眼中真的只是一只牛, 只会埋头苦干, 不会为自己的事业冲刺, 也不会做一大堆事情让老板看见我的努力... 可是我开心啊! 我并不觉得那些时常储心积虑, 辛辛苦苦过日子, 每天带一大堆公事回家打拼的人很值得赞赏~ 或许他们失去了一些人生中最重要的东西呢! 谁知道, 是吗?

我觉得只要一个人认真的对待自己的工作, 自己的人生就会平衡一些, 有得必有失嘛~

人各有志... 我渴望的生活是简简单单, 有一个疼爱自己的老公, 疼爱自己的家人, 也希望会有与我长得很像的孩子及身边的每个人都开开心心的... 那就很足够了~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


a divine blessing from on high,
without them life is tough to get by,
with them, it's hard to say goodbye,
they are kindred spirits that never die.


the divine moment our paths crossed,
where love is stamped and grace embossed,
the lighthouse when we're lost,
willing to go all out at all cost.


the people that stick by you,
some have many, others have a few,
those that remain faithful and true,
the absence of which makes us blue.


the best adventure of life,
take away the strain and strife,
catch you when you take a dive,
always there to complete the high-five.